Studying conditions like this are not only bad, but sad, and unhealth; academically, psychologically and physically. A question that comes clearly from this picture is; are we part of the so called 'developing world' or in a more backward stage than that, a 'pre - developing world stage'?. Using used bucket of oil as desks has nothing to do with creativity! but rather a clear demonstration that we no longer belong to this age, that we still miss and need our stone age era!our pebble tools!This picture doesnt require one to be a psychologist to tell that these students are not happy and that they are not concentrating but tolerating. This kind of studying is even more harmful to girls whom after school have to sustain other hardshps at their homes. The larger community of Tanzania responsible for this. Though however, we know that within this larger community, some are more responsible, yes! it is those who are required to mobilize people and other resource towards realising the desired end, good classes with requisite conditions. It's time we stoped talking too much and let the actions speak more because talking too much is what has brought us here.