Since the beginning of Christianity, the Bible(scriptures) has been subjected to multiple interpretations and hence resulting into multiple meanings. The existance of various denominations is a clear manifestation of lack of consensus on the meaning and interpretation of a number of scriptures. Dispite their differing in the perceptions of scriptures, its interesting to see that they all still cling to the same basic values;PEACE and LOVE. However, no denomination can claim to be 100% perfect and thus there is no superior no inferior denomination. The number of membership should not be interpreted in terms of seperior and inferior. All denominations contribute in one way or another to the broad understanding of the Jesus/ God and therefore how best to enhance peace and love. Its therefore important for one not to be confined into his/her denomination as this will deprieve him from understanding the other features of this big elephant that we wrognly assume we mastered understanding it.
I recently came across this denomination, which appeared to be new to me, these guys introduced to me something i have never heard of, about God the Mother. According to them, there is God the Father and God the Mother- That God said let us make man in our image...so a man and a famale were created as images of God(the Father and the Mother).