Thursday, December 20, 2012

BRAVO KOREANS, BRAVO Park Geun-hye !!!!!!!!

 The election of Park Geun-hye as the new Korean President carries ample lesson that any society that aspires to attain social economic development need to learn. Her father,Park Chung Hee,  who was a Korean President for 18 years before being assassinated by one of his Generals. When he was in power many Koreans, especially political opponents, lost their lives, he abolished presidential elections , undermined civil societies and limited freedom of speech. However, He is also remembered for building a strong foundation of economic development which has led to the current Korea-- which stands as the 15th giant economy in the world. Its on this ground that some remember him as a developmental dictator. It is therefore interesting to see that Koreans have not judged Park Geun-hye by her fathers' mistakes but focused on the potential which she holds. Indeed Koreans have shown us that we should not judge people basing on their mistakes of their relatives

Wednesday, December 19, 2012