Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ninatarajia kuchangia mawazo yangu kuhusu mada ya hapa juu, kutokana na umuhimu wake,nimeona nipate muda wa kutosha kukusanya mawazo na kuyapanga katika mtiririko utakaoeleweka vizuri. Niftafurahi zaidi iwapo nitapata sapoti kutoka kwenu wadau.KARIBUNI
Ninatarajia kuchangia mawazo yangu kuhusu mada ya hapa juu, kutokana na umuhimu wake,nimeona nipate muda wa kutosha kukusanya mawazo na kuyapanga katika mtiririko utakaoeleweka vizuri. Niftafurahi zaidi iwapo nitapata sapoti kutoka kwenu wadau.KARIBUNI
Dini ikitumiwa vibaya matokeo yake ni kuishia kukandamizana jamii moja dhidi ya nyingine na waumini wenyewe kwa wenyewe. Suala hili linakuwa baya zaidi hasa pale mijadala ya kuzungumzia kuwekana sawa katika baadhi ya tafsiri inapozuiliwa. matokeo yake waumini huanza kugawanyika na hivyo kusababisha kuibuka kwa utitiri wa madhahebu. Kutokana na dhana hiyo, ni muhimu nafasi ya mwanamke ikaangaliwa upya katika dini zetu, kutawala kwa mfumo dume katika nyanja mbalimbali za kimaisha kumesababisha masuala yote kutafsiriwa kimfumo dume kiasi cha watu kuhalalisha kuwa Mungu ndio aliyetaka mambo yawe hivyo. Haitashangaza iwapo baadhi ya wanawake watakuwa wanazichukia dini kutokana na tafsiri potofu za nafasi ya mwanamke katika jamii. kusoma maandishi kama ya hapa chini nina hakika kutatuongezea uelewa wa kupambanua mambo na hivyo kujiandaa kifikra zaidi na namna bora ya kumuelewa na kumtambua mwanamke katika dini zetu
Why Women Need Freedom From Religion
Organized religion always has been and remains the greatest enemy of women's rights. In the Christian-dominated Western world, two bible verses in particular sum up the position of women:
"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."--Genesis 3:16
By this third chapter of Genesis, woman lost her rights, her standing--even her identity, and motherhood became a God-inflicted curse degrading her status in the world.
In the New Testament, the bible decrees:
"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."--1 Tim. 2:11-14
One bible verse alone, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) is responsible for the death of tens of thousands, if not millions, of women. Do women and those who care about them need further evidence of the great harm of Christianity, predicated as it has been on these and similar teachings about women?
Church writer Tertullian said "each of you women is an Eve . . . You are the gate of Hell, you are the temptress of the forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine law."
Martin Luther decreed: "If a woman grows weary and at last dies from childbearing, it matters not. Let her die from bearing, she is there to do it."
Such teachings prompted 19th-century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton to write: "The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of woman's emancipation."
The various Christian churches fought tooth and nail against the advancement of women, opposing everything from women's right to speak in public, to the use of anesthesia in childbirth (since the bible says women must suffer in childbirth) and woman's suffrage. Today the most organized and formidable opponent of women's social, economic and sexual rights remains organized religion. Religionists defeated the Equal Rights Amendment. Religious fanatics and bullies are currently engaged in an outright war of terrorism and harassment against women who have abortions and the medical staff which serves them. Those seeking to challenge inequities and advance the status of women today are fighting a massive coalition of fundamentalist Protestant and Catholic churches and religious groups mobilized to fight women's rights, gay rights, and secular government.
Why do women remain second-class citizens? Why is there a religion-fostered war against women's rights? Because the bible is a handbook for the subjugation of women. The bible establishes woman's inferior status, her "uncleanliness," her transgressions, and God-ordained master/servant relationship to man. Biblical women are possessions: fathers own them, sell them into bondage, even sacrifice them. The bible sanctions rape during wartime and in other contexts. Wives are subject to Mosaic-law sanctioned "bedchecks" as brides, and male jealousy fits and no-notice divorce as wives. The most typical biblical labels of women are "harlot" and "whore." They are described as having evil, even satanic powers of allurement. Contempt for women's bodies and reproductive capacity is a bedrock of the bible. The few role models offered are stereotyped, conventional and inadequate, with bible heroines admired for obedience and battle spirit. Jesus scorns his own mother, refusing to bless her, and issues dire warnings about the fate of pregnant and nursing women.
There are more than 200 bible verses that specifically belittle and demean women. Here are just a few:
(See Woe To The Women: The Bible Tells Me So for a more comprehensive list)
Woman created from Adam's rib
Woman cursed: maternity a sin, marriage a bondage
Rape virgins instead of male angels
Insulting Tenth Commandment, considering a wife to be property
Unfair rules for female servants, may be sex slaves
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live"
Women may not enter tabernacle they must support
Women who have sons are unclean 7 days
Women who have daughters are unclean 14 days
Menstrual periods are unclean
If master has sex with engaged woman, she shall be scourged
Poll of people only includes men
Barbaric adulteress test
"Virgins" listed as war booty
Rape manual
Abomination for women to wear men's garments, vice-versa
Barbaric virgin test
Woman raped in city, she & her rapist both stoned to death
Woman must marry her rapist
Men can divorce woman for "uncleanness," not vice-versa
If woman touches foe's penis, her hand shall be cut off
Jephthah's nameless daughter sacrificed
Concubine sacrificed to rapist crowd to save man
I Kings
King Solomon had 700 wives & 300 concubines
"Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one . . ."
Evil women seduce men, send them to hell
One of numerous Proverbial putdowns
God scourges, rapes haughty women
One of numerous obscene denunciations
"[woe] to them that are with child"
Mary is unclean after birth of Jesus
I Corinthians
Man is head of woman; only man in God's image
Women keep in silence, learn only from husbands
"Wives, submit . . ."
More "wives submit"
I Timothy
Women adorn selves in shamefacedness
Women learn in silence in all subjection; Eve was sinful, Adam blameless
Why should women--and the men who honor women--respect and support religions which preach women's submission, which make women's subjugation a cornerstone of their theology?
When attempts are made to base laws on the bible, women must beware. The constitutional principle of separation between church and state is the only sure barrier standing between women and the bible.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It is said that love is blind, i dont think everyone just concurs with this statement. Maybe the right way to put it could have been, people who are in love pretend to give a blind eye to very sensitive issues that determines their conjugal life only to realise their mistakes later on when they have committed themselves to wrong partners.
Many ladies, women and girls have found their eyes with endless tears because of the small but costful blunder they did before permanently committing to be wives of their by then lovers. One thing that one should bear in mind is that, its very difficult to change one completely from the way he has been socialised since the day he was born, so instead of thinking that you might manage to change him as per your quality or standard so to speak, your better start tracing how many angles of interception does exist in your reletion! Does the values that you share together with your lover exceed the values you dont share together? If yes, thats your Mr. Right, dont let him go!!If not,then hasten your pace and find another one!!!,he wont change and dont think you will be able to make it happen, Never!!
With this introduction, please my sisters, here is a warning for you: if the man who claim to be your future husband beats you, insults you,ignores you, gives you names, is a womanizer, never think you will change him when you marry him through your own capacity. Thus if you are marrying him knowing that he possesses some notorious characters that you dont appreciate, please dont console yourself that you will be able to change him. However, if you are tolerant and brave enough and you love him more than you love yourself, go on. And you know what? we wont expect any complaint from you in the future,why, because we know you are not blind!!! sorry.
However, it should not be ruled out that there are some men who change to such notorious bahaviours after getting married due to a number of factors. The good news in: GOD will make him to remain the same Mr. Right, pray for that every day of your marriage!!!!.
A simple conversation with a man who beats his wife:
why do you beat your wife? (she has offended me), so are you setting a rule that whoever offends others in the house should be beaten?(yes), how many time have you offended your wife and she has never dared to beat you?(bacause she is a woman),do you want her to be afraid of you or to love you?(of course i want her to love you), how do you expect someone whom is afraid of you to love you?(bacause she is my wife),You know what?Beatig her is a clear explanation that you dont love her and in return she also ends up pretending she love you. So the best conclusion could be YOU DONT LOVE EACH OTHER,STOP PRETENDING PLEASE!!!!
Below is the essay that i believe will help to enlighten us on the issue.
Women Battery
The problem of battered women has only come into the limelight in the past few years, its progression toward public awareness paralleling the growth of the women’s movement. Historically, there has never been any public outcry against the brutality of battered women. But now we are learning the problem is far more pervasive and terrible than it was ever thought to be and that the myths which had previously rationalized why such violence occurred between men and women who supposedly loved each other are untrue.
Every minute in the United States, four women are beaten by a significant other. More than half of all female homicide victims in 1993 were killed by a current or former partner. The Handbook of Family Violence identified five major types of family violence and ranked spouse abuse as almost equal in incidence with physical child abuse, which was ranked number one (Gilliland, James 1997).
All the myths on the battering of women have perpetuated the mistaken notion that the victim has precipitated her own assault. Some of them served as a protection against embarrassment, while others were created to protect rescuers from their own discouragement when they were unsuccessful in stopping the brutality. It is imp
Some of the more popular myths are that the battered woman syndrome affects only a small percentage of the population, drinking causes battering behavior, police can protect the battered women, battered women can always leave home, and long-standing battering relationships can change for the better, and most importantly, once a batterer, always a batterer. In actuality, like rape, battering is a seriously underreported crime. Data on wife beating are difficult to obtain because the incidents usually occur at night, in the home, without witnesses. As for drinking, it is hard to deny there is some association between drinking and battering, but what it exactly is is still not known. It does seem reasonable, however, to suggest that in many cases alcohol is blamed as the precipitating factor, whereas it is only a component in the battering relationship. Studies of women have shown that most believe that the police would not be of any help. In fact, only about 10% of women in these situations have called the police.
One result of learned helplessness can be depression. Another result seems to be a change in the battered woman’s perception of the consequences of violence. Living constantly with fear seems to produce an immunity to the seriousness of violence and death. The first step in stopping learned helplessness would be persuading the battered woman to leave the battering relationship or persuade the batterer to leave. Secondly, battered women need to be taught to change their failure expectancy to reverse a negative cognitive set. They need to understand what success is, to raise their motivation and aspiration levels, to be able to initiate new and more effective responses, so they can learn to control their own lives. Self-esteem and feelings of competence are extremely important in protecting against feelings of helplessness and depression. Women must be able to believe that their behavior will effect what happens to them. Counseling or psychotherapy can teach women to control their own lives an to be able to erase that kind of victim potential. http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/101214.html
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