Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011

High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke
According to the Department of Health, men who regularly drink more than eight units of alcohol a day are four times more likely to develop high blood pressure. Women who drink six units a day double their risk of high blood pressure.
Alcohol is second only to smoking as a risk factor for mouth, throat and neck cancers. As alcohol helps the mouth to absorb smoke, people who smoke and drink alcohol to excess are 30 times more likely to develop mouth cancer.
Drinking too much alcohol also increases the risk of colon and liver cancer, and breast cancer in women. Liver cirrhosis, which can be caused by regularly drinking too much, increases the risk of liver cancer.
Liver disease
Regularly drinking over the limit can cause a buildup of fatty deposits in the liver, known as fatty liver disease. At this stage, cutting back or stopping drinking altogether can save this vital organ.
But continuing to drink at this level can lead to the liver to becoming inflamed, causing hepatitis, and in some cases, even liver failure and death. Through time, a buildup of scar tissue in the liver or fibrosis may result and finally, liver cirrhosis, which is irreversible.
Gallstones and heavy drinking are the two most common causes of acute pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas. Around a quarter of cases are thought to be caused by regularly drinking too much. Some people appear to be more susceptible to the condition which can also be extremely painful. Heavy drinking is the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis, where long term inflammation causes permanent damage.
Alcohol poisoning
In general, the human body can only metabolise one unit of alcohol per hour. So drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short time can cause a rapid rise in the blood alcohol concentration. This may continue even when drinking has stopped, as the alcohol in your stomach continues to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Your blood alcohol concentration can rise to levels which can kill, known as alcohol poisoning. This can also happen when you have stopped drinking, fallen asleep or passed out.
Weight gain
Gram for gram, alcohol is second only to fat as a source of calories. Each UK unit of alcohol contains eight grams of alcohol and seven calories. They are also known as "empty calories," because they are of no nutritional benefit whatsoever.
Sleep problems
Although it's true that alcohol will help you fall asleep faster, it interferes with the normal sleep cycle, causing you to wake up during the night and feel unrefreshed in the morning.
Sunday, November 6, 2011

David Cameron Threatens To Cut U.K. Aid Over Gay Rights
Britain has threatened countries that ban homosexuality with losing aid payments unless they reform, David Cameron has said. The prime minister said he had raised the issue with leaders of some of the states involved when he attended the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Australia.
Britain was "putting the pressure on", he said. But it was not a problem that would be solved by the time Commonwealth leaders are next due to meet, in Sri Lanka in 2013.
Ending bans on homosexuality was one of the recommendations of a highly critical internal report on the future relevance of the Commonwealth, written by experts from across the member nations.
"We are not just talking about it. We are also saying that British aid should have more strings attached," Cameron said on BBC1's Andrew Marr Show in an interview recorded at the summit in Perth.
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 05 September 2001
Well ye know
What woman is, for none of woman born
Can choose but drain the bitter dregs of woe
Which ever to the oppressed from the oppressors flow.
The oppression of women has been a key question for Marxism. After all, women constitute half the human race, and have faced discrimination and degradation in many areas of life. The oppression of women in the third world has reached abominable levels. It is accompanied by child prostitution, bonded-labour and slavery. It is capitalism in the raw. Recently, an Iranian Islamic court found a woman guilty of adultery. For this heinous crime, she was sentenced to death by stoning. Here, in its most cruel and brutal form, is reflected the worse features of class society. In the 'civilised' west, working class women are treated as second-class citizens, many of who are forced into the menial jobs on poor wages. Despite equal pay legislation, employers still continue to discriminate against women in terms of pay and conditions.Read more on: http://www.marxist.com/origins-womens-oppression.htm
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gaddafi’s female bodyguards say they were raped, abused by the Libyan leader
Five women who were part of Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s elite team of female bodyguards say they were raped and abused by the former Libyan leader.
The Sunday Times of Malta reports that the former bodyguards said Gaddafi and his sons raped and abused them and then discarded the women once the men became “bored” with them.
Gaddafi kept a cadre of about 30 women, known as his Amazonian guard, close by his side since the early 1970s. At times, the women took bullets for Gaddafi — one woman died and two were injured when the Libyan leader was attacked in 1998.
The strongman asked his female bodyguards not only for their protection but also for oaths of virginity, and that they be dressed in camouflage, nail polish, coiffed hair, and heavy mascara.
One woman told the Sunday Malta Times she was blackmailed into joining the unit after the regime told her that her brother had been smuggling drugs into Libya and she would go to jail unless she agreed to join the brigade.
“A pattern emerged in the stories,” the Times reports. “The women would be first raped by the dictator and then passed on, like used objects, to one of his sons and eventually to high-ranking officials for more abuse before eventually being let go.”
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the right to vote and run in future municipal elections, King Abdullah has announced. He said they would also have the right to be appointed to the consultative Shura Council.
The move was welcomed by activists who have called for greater rights for women in the kingdom, which enforces a strict version of Sunni Islamic law.
The changes will occur after municipal polls on Thursday, the king said.
King Abdullah announced the move in a speech at the opening of the new term of the Shura Council - the formal body advising the king, whose members are all appointed."Because we refuse to marginalise women in society in all roles that comply with sharia, we have decided, after deliberation with our senior clerics and others... to involve women in the Shura Council as members, starting from next term," he said."Women will be able to run as candidates in the municipal election and will even have a right to vote."
The BBC's world affairs correspondent Emily Buchanan says it is an extraordinary development for women in Saudi Arabia, who are not allowed to drive, or to leave the country unaccompanied.
She says there has been a big debate about the role of women in the kingdom and, although not everyone will welcome the decision, such a reform will ease some of the tension that has been growing over the issue.
In May more than 60 intellectuals called for a boycott of Thursday's ballot saying "municipal councils lack the authority to effectively carry out their role".
Municipal elections are the only public polls in Saudi Arabia.The next municipal elections are due in four years' time.
source BBC NEWS source: 25 september, 2011
more news on http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15052030
Monday, September 19, 2011

Sojourner Truth (originally named Isabella Baumfree), was born a slave in Ulster County, New York State, in about 1797. At the age of nine she was auctioned off to an Englishman named John Nealey. Over the next few years she was owned by a fisherman in Kingston and then by John Dumont, a plantation owner from New York County. Between 1810 and 1827 she had five children with a fellow slave. She was dismayed when one of her sons was sold to a plantation owner in Alabama.
After New York State abolished slavery in 1827, Quaker friends helped her win back her son through the courts. She moved to New York City and obtained worked as a servant. She became friends with Elijah Pierson, a religious missionary, and eventually moved into his home.
In 1843 Isabella took the name Sojourner Truth. With the help of a white friend, Olive Gilbert, she published her book, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth. In an introduction to the book, William Lloyd Garrison wrote that he believed it would "stimulate renewed efforts to liberate all those still in slavery in America".
Over the next few years Truth toured the country making speeches on slavery. After meeting Lucretia Mott, she also spoke at meetings in favour of woman's suffrage. When a white man told her that her speeches were no more important than a fleabite, she replied, "Maybe not, but the Lord willing, I'll keep you scratching."
At the beginning of the American Civil War, she helped recruit black men to help the war effort. In 1864 she moved to Washington where she organised a campaign against the policy of not allowing blacks to sit with whites on trains. As a result of this, she was received in the White House by President Abraham Lincoln. Sojourner Truth died at Battle Creek, Michigan, on 26th November, 1883.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup was the sixth FIFA Women's World Cup competition, the world championship for women's national association football teams. It was held from 26 June to 17 July 2011 in Germany, which won the right to host the event in October 2007. Japan won the final against the United States on a penalty shoot-out following a 2–2 tie after extra time and became the first Asian team to win a FIFA World Cup.[1]
The matches were played in nine stadiums in nine host cities around the country, with the final played at the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt. Sixteen teams were selected for participation via a worldwide qualification tournament that began in 2009. In the first round of the tournament finals, the teams competed in round-robin groups of four teams for points, with the top two teams in each group proceeding. These eight teams advanced to the knockout stage, where two rounds of play decided which teams would participate in the final.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Kuna tukio naliona MAISHANI:Acheni niwape heshima iliyotukuka wanawake wooote Duniani;
IMAGINE:ANAKUFUMANIA: Analia, ananyamaza, anasononeka, unambembeleza anakuelewa anakusamehe halafu anasahau!!!
UNAZAA NJE YA NDOA: Anasononeka na kulia sana. Anakuchukia lakini baadaye anakusamehe. Halafu analea mtoto uliyemzaa nje kwa upendo. Kama ni kuchukiwa atachukiwa mtoto, si wewe uliyefanya umalaya!
UNARUDI USIKU WA MANANE UKIWA MTUNGI(Umelewa): Anakukaribisha, anakuandalia chakula, unagoma kula. Anahifadhi chakula alichokuandalia bila manung'uniko.
UNAAMKA ASUBUHI NA MAHANGOVER: Anakuandalia staftahi (saa nyingine unagoma kutumia staftahi yake unakimbilia baa kwenda kunywa Supu na kuzimua. Wala halalamiki!CHAKULA CHA USIKU: Ushapiga mtungi wako, unataka huduma. Unamrukia, hamna maandalizi unamuumiza. Anavumilia ili akuridhishe. Na kesho yake tena inaweza tokea hii; hana kinyongo!
UNAJIANDAA KWENDA KIBARUANI: Unakuta kashakuandalia viwalo, suruwale imenyooshwa kama ya askari trafiki, shati limepigwa pasi ya maana! Nguo ulizovua jana zimeshalowekwa tayari kwa kufanyiwa usafi! Ulichomuudhi jana kashasahau na kukusamehe!UNAMPA UJAUZITO(WENGINE PACHA): Anauthamini, anautunza anajifungua kwa uchungu, mtoto anakuachia wewe umpe jina, la kwake halimo kabisa kwenye majina atakayotumia mtoto! Na pamoja na uchungu wa kuzaa, bado yuko radhi kukuzalia mtoto mwingine na mwingine tena!Na mengine meeeeengi sana wanafanyiwa hawa viumbe lakini WANASAMEHE, WANAVUMILIA! Ni watu muhimu sana hawa watu maishani mwangu!
Kwa leo na siku zote acheni tu niwape
heshima zao au zenu wanawake wote:
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

This article on BBC website just shows how far we are still lagging in reaching gender balance.There are many people who still believe that giving birth to a baby girl is a curse.
Kulwant has three daughters aged 24, 23 and 20 and a son who is 16.
In the years between the birth of her third daughter and her son, Kulwant became pregnant three times.
‘‘My mother-in-law said if I had a daughter, my husband would leave me. Thankfully, I had a son.”
Each time, she says, she was forced to abort the foetus by her family after ultrasound tests confirmed that they were girls.
"My mother-in-law taunted me for giving birth to girls. She said her son would divorce me if I didn't bear a son."
Kulwant still has vivid memories of the first abortion. "The baby was nearly five months old. She was beautiful. I miss her, and the others we killed," she says, breaking down, wiping away her tears.
Until her son was born, Kulwant's daily life consisted of beatings and abuse from her husband, mother-in-law and brother-in-law. Once, she says, they even attempted to set her on fire.
"They were angry. They didn't want girls in the family. They wanted boys so they could get fat dowries," she says...
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-13264301
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Najla Hariri has become the first women to start driving openly in Saudi. According to BBC, ''Najla Hariri started driving around Jeddah last week. She is believed to be the only woman regularly driving in a Saudi city'' For more information, visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13431562
Kindly post your comment if you have any
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Many activists have for years been advocating on the issue of empowering women. Interestingly, I have come across a form of empowering women that I had never thought of or rather prioritised. It was about empowering women with physical strength, and not with the canonical empowering of women that entails providing them intellectual capability and skills to enable them to be well equipped to overcome the global socio-economic challenges. I was really surprised after reading the internet article that claimed that President Gaddafi has been recruiting his alleged ‘virgin’ bodyguards, famously known as Amazonia Guards, as a way of empowering them '' Gaddafi believes it is empowering for women to be his bodyguards. He says, “Women should be trained for combat, so that they do not become easy prey for their enemies.”
I wonder if this type of empowering women has any positive and sustainable trickle down effect as far as the women population is concerned. I think the real enemies of the people are: poverty, ignorance, corruption etc. Thus all the efforts geared towards empowering women should be directed to addressing the fore mentioned enemies instead of providing them with 'physical power' which will only end up diverting them from their real enemies and even make them heartless.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
On 4th February I visited Chungmuro village-a place where Lunar New Year traditional ceremony was taking place(in Seoul). Variuos traditional things ranging from, tools, attire, houses,and pottery were displayed. The raditional games were also taking place involving all age groups .
The main event that attracted most people was the traditional dancers; they wore smiling faces all the time, and performed very skillfully and energetically thus attracting everyone who visited the village that day. For sure, they made the event even more interesting. The events that took place at Chungmuro village were indeed an exhibition of the Korean History and Culture.
As this blog is dedicated to women issues, I will be wrong to conclude my story without commenting anything concerning women as far as the visit is concerned. I have attached with this story a Korean Woman (not a statue) in her traditional attire. These are the clothes Koreans used to wear long time ago while working. The woman has a basket on her back, traditional shoes and gloves. From her appearance, she is a hard worker, probably a peasant. This woman fascinated me alot as she reminded me of the great role that women have playing in development allover the world. I sincerely believe that hard working women of South Korea have contributed a lot to the current Economic Success of South Korea. Bravo South Korean Women!!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011