The supporters of female oppression always hide behind the veils of religion, biological traits and even culture. They persistently cling on these weak justifications and discourage any thinking that brings alternative views--indeed the reality that is supported by objective and justifiable evidence. I will proceed with my mission to fight against this unfair arrangement that regards women as second class citizens. The following marxists arguments further cements my/our position in this course:
Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 05 September 2001
While middle class feminists regard the oppression of women as an inherent biological trait of men, Marxism explains that the root of women's oppression lies not in biology, but in social conditions. Marxism sees the liberation of working class women as a part of the struggle for the liberation of the working class as a whole. While feminists set women against men, the socialist movement attempts to forge solidarity between male and female workers in a common struggle against capitalist exploitation.
Well ye know
What woman is, for none of woman born
Can choose but drain the bitter dregs of woe
Which ever to the oppressed from the oppressors flow.
The oppression of women has been a key question for Marxism. After all, women constitute half the human race, and have faced discrimination and degradation in many areas of life. The oppression of women in the third world has reached abominable levels. It is accompanied by child prostitution, bonded-labour and slavery. It is capitalism in the raw. Recently, an Iranian Islamic court found a woman guilty of adultery. For this heinous crime, she was sentenced to death by stoning. Here, in its most cruel and brutal form, is reflected the worse features of class society. In the 'civilised' west, working class women are treated as second-class citizens, many of who are forced into the menial jobs on poor wages. Despite equal pay legislation, employers still continue to discriminate against women in terms of pay and conditions.Read more on: http://www.marxist.com/origins-womens-oppression.htm
For more information on women oppression: http://www.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhjH0_zzuMe5GveheiVXeKYQcbmT3rJjdDC0dMReg2Lum4Hh3J-JmGLyhLRnLGm4Q6oogpYy0cmJAncbBCt-gd2os5b-EaTW3_UsgdepsYU5_gZR6kWaaWE4TGulhAUvB2nNAgrOrhWm-k/s400/women_oppressed.jpg&imgrefurl=http://womenrightsinpakistan.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default%3Falt%3Drss&usg=___6RkiW7JAaYIe8b4Qc5O_bglG3k=&h=250&w=193&sz=10&hl=ko&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=4t017sJ6vBqoUM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=86&ei=qziuTu3aMcnhmAXd86TaDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwomen%2Boppression%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1
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