EVOLUTION OF MINISKIRTS:The mini-skirt was introduced to the masses in 1964, and for the next ten years or so, it was the common style among young women in the West. By 1968, most mini-skirts were mid-thigh in length, and it wasn't until the early-seventies that the hemline began to fall again (to be replaced by hotpants and tight jeans).
Ironically, a fashion that began as a symbol of youth and liberation began to be seen by the feminists as denigrating, making women into sex objects. The change in attitude killed the fashion for several years, resurrected again in the early 1980's, but nowhere near the level as it had been. So, for this brief window of time, the mini was omnipresent on high school and college campuses (source:www.dailymail.co.uk

Possible ban of Miniskirts in South Kores: Miniskirts could be prohibited in South Korea after President Park Geun-hye approved a government decree, meaning that those deemed to be overexposed in public will be subject to a fine of 50,000 KRW (£30)
Miniskirts in Africa: Just as in any country arround the world, women in African are wearing everything that other women across the world are wearing. This is indeed a manifestation of a global village where everyone is kept informed of what is happening elsewhere.

1 comment:
Women have the right to dress as they like. How would any man feel if women rushed him as a group and pulled off his jeans because they were seen as provocative? We have to stop trying to control womens' dressing. I take issue with the idea that men have some right to strip an inappropriately dressed woman or girl. We all know how these men react, especially when they have got some 'dutch courage' after downing a number of beers.
Where is the sense in stripping a woman dressed in a mini? First of all, those men would be assaulting her, which is a crime in any right-thinking country.
Second, she has a right to dress in clothing of her choice. They are not her father, mother or husband, so leave her choice of clothing unremarked.
Third, if they pull off that mini, you will see more than was displayed in the first place. So it is a brazen lie to say that the mini is stripped off because it is indecent. The truth is, the man or men who do so are perverts, sex fiends and rapists who cannot control themselves amongst fashion-concious women. This is why all women should sign up for self-defence classes, so that when they are harassed like that, they can simply take the matter in hand, give it a savage twist, and the self-appointed fashion adjudicator will scream and dash off.
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