In the cold of February, as New York City police officers gathered for their daily orders at roll call, they were given a rather unusual command, for both its timing and its substance: If they happened upon a topless woman, they were not to arrest her. The command was read at 10 consecutive roll calls. Each of the city’s 34,000 officers, in theory, got the message: For “simply exposing their breasts in public,” women are guilty of no crime. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/16/nyregion/a-police-roll-call-reminder-women-may-go-topless.html?_r=0)
Breasts Aren't Necessarily Objects of Desire: Breasts are a sign of femininity just as much as a bare-chested man. If people are concerned with nudity for the sake of children, babies were breastfed when they were younger and should be used to breasts in general. A woman's chest isn't an object of desire for sex. It should be seen as a cradle of life, not lust.

So much bullcrap.How often do you hear a woman say to a man without a shirt on "hey baby nice nipples?" That is why women should not be naked from the waist up in public. This is political correctness on steroids. This is just an excuse for certain women to be exhibitionists.
Photos of Women enjoying their topless freedom in New York City:
Further debate on this site:
http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-women-be-allowed-to-go-topless-in-publicPhotos of Women enjoying their topless freedom in New York City:
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