Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
We often take it for granted that women are the weakest creatures in this world forgetting that they also have an inimal inside them which can be even more harmful once provoked. Mutual respect for couples enhances love thus making everyone to ever swim in the ocean of smiles
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
A cheater's punishment, Chinese style
A Chinese woman has been arrested after forcing her boyfriend to kneel in the street and repeatedly slapping him around the face.The man was accused of cheating on the woman after bringing another girl back to his flat in Hong Kong.After his girlfriend took him out to the street and began beating him, a crowd of onlookers gathered and started filming the scene, which has since been posted on YouTube
The 20-year-old woman, named Cheng, was later arrested on suspicion of common assault, while the victim, 23-year-old Chui, was taken to hospital. The alleged assault happened last Friday in the Kowloon City area of Hong Kong, after Chui took a girl to his flat despite the fact he was going out with Cheng.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
A 40-year-old bridegroom and his 11-year-old bride during their wedding in Damarda, Afghanistan
Read more:
Vitendo vya ukatili wa kijinsia bado vipo katika jamii yetu, nikiwa huko mkoani Dodoma nilipata kushuhudia ndoa ya watoto wadogo kabisa, kiukweli nilikuwa nashangaa na bado nashangaa mpaka sasa hata siamini, haya nilikuwa nikiyasikia tu ama kuyasoma ila nimepata kuyaona kwa macho yangu.. mdau tutazame then tuje kuchangia mawazo mana inabidi ifike muda vitendo hivi vya ukatili wa kijinsia iwe vimefika mwisho
http://www.joycekiria.com/2013/09/video-watoto-waoanana-wao-wanapanga.htmlTuesday, September 3, 2013
One lady found herself in trouble after wearing a miniskirt in Arusha. The picture above depicts the situation after a passerby rescued her by providing her a piece of cloth to cover herself. My take on this is that THIS IS UNFAIR TREATMENT FOR WOMEN and infact a perpetuation of the partriachy system as men continue going naked or half naked everyday but no such actions are taken against them. Acts of this nature should be condemned!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013

In the cold of February, as New York City police officers gathered for their daily orders at roll call, they were given a rather unusual command, for both its timing and its substance: If they happened upon a topless woman, they were not to arrest her. The command was read at 10 consecutive roll calls. Each of the city’s 34,000 officers, in theory, got the message: For “simply exposing their breasts in public,” women are guilty of no crime. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/16/nyregion/a-police-roll-call-reminder-women-may-go-topless.html?_r=0)
Breasts Aren't Necessarily Objects of Desire: Breasts are a sign of femininity just as much as a bare-chested man. If people are concerned with nudity for the sake of children, babies were breastfed when they were younger and should be used to breasts in general. A woman's chest isn't an object of desire for sex. It should be seen as a cradle of life, not lust.

So much bullcrap.How often do you hear a woman say to a man without a shirt on "hey baby nice nipples?" That is why women should not be naked from the waist up in public. This is political correctness on steroids. This is just an excuse for certain women to be exhibitionists.
Photos of Women enjoying their topless freedom in New York City:
Further debate on this site:
http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-women-be-allowed-to-go-topless-in-publicPhotos of Women enjoying their topless freedom in New York City:
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
EVOLUTION OF MINISKIRTS:The mini-skirt was introduced to the masses in 1964, and for the next ten years or so, it was the common style among young women in the West. By 1968, most mini-skirts were mid-thigh in length, and it wasn't until the early-seventies that the hemline began to fall again (to be replaced by hotpants and tight jeans).
Ironically, a fashion that began as a symbol of youth and liberation began to be seen by the feminists as denigrating, making women into sex objects. The change in attitude killed the fashion for several years, resurrected again in the early 1980's, but nowhere near the level as it had been. So, for this brief window of time, the mini was omnipresent on high school and college campuses (source:www.dailymail.co.uk

Possible ban of Miniskirts in South Kores: Miniskirts could be prohibited in South Korea after President Park Geun-hye approved a government decree, meaning that those deemed to be overexposed in public will be subject to a fine of 50,000 KRW (£30)
Miniskirts in Africa: Just as in any country arround the world, women in African are wearing everything that other women across the world are wearing. This is indeed a manifestation of a global village where everyone is kept informed of what is happening elsewhere.

Friday, April 19, 2013
Margareth Thatcher,--the first lady to become UK's Prime Minister was born on October 13, 1925, died on April 8, 2013 at age 87 following a stroke.
Fatuma binti Baraka (Bibi Kidude), the famous taarabu musician, died on 17 April 2013, she is estimated to have died at age miaka 102.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
People with Albinism are happy in other countries
While people with Albinism across the world are leading normal lives, its a different story to those that find themself dwelling in Tanzania.They find themself living in constant fear as they are hunted by human poachers who have been made to believe that parts of their body have magical value. These devils in human fresh believe that blood and organs of people with Albinism can be a good source of fast money. Many people point their fingers to Witch Doctors who are said to ask their clients, who go to consult them so as to be made rich, to produce blood or organs of people with Albinism to be mixed with other concoctions to produce potions that will make them rich. It is these barbaric and uncooth human being inspired by their greedy ends that are making our fellow brothers and sister to live as if they are alliens in this country.

A lady with Albinism suffering wounds aftre her hands were choped off in Kagera Region
Three years and so have passed since the plight of people with Albinism inTanzania was revealed across the World. My appreciations to Peter Ash and his NGO (http://www.underthesamesun.com/) for their dedication, care and support to people with Albinism in Tanzania. However, besides this remarkable endavors, people with Albinism in Tanzania are not free--the situation has yet to change as they are still being killed, their organs are still being choped off and left to die in undefined agony. Their lives are in constant fear as they are not certain who are their real foes since there are incidedences where some family members, including parents, have been reported to have colluded with 'poachers' to harm them in their lust for fast money.
Father taking care of his child whose hand was recently choped off
The persistence of such killings and slicings is a clear manifestation of the gravity of the problem, hence the Government need to adopt vigorous campaigns that are dedicated to educate Tanzanians on the issue of Albinism whilst providing them with opportunities of accumulating wealth legally. On this terrain therefore, government efforts and the role of NGO, Religiuos institutions etc, should complement each other. Indeed, ignorance of few people should not be left to make other people live miserably.
source of pictures: https://www.google.co.tz/search?hl=en&safe=active&q=albinism+in+tanzania&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1366&bih=482&wrapid=tlif136198050914510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=ZCwuUc6XE8aW0QXglYCwDg
Same sex marriage undoubtedly is a new phenomenon among Africans and the developing world at large. No wonder many Africans condenmed David Cameron's threat to withhold UK aid to anti-gay governments ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15511081). Indeed, same sex marriage is associated with individual rights--the right that values rights of an individual first. However, since we do not live in our own islands, it follows that what we do to please ourselves should be in line with the society values--hence the need to value the social rights.
Same sex marriage have been received with mixed feelings not only in the developing world but also in the countries where this right originates. We have witmessed and read about a number of ongoing debates in churches, schools, forums, etc concerning whether same sex marriage should be legalised or not. In some places--particularly in the developed world the right has been granted or will be granted soon. In Africa, the issue has taken a different direction. While some countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameron etc not only disapprove such marriage but also provide heavy sentence for those found to be in a relation, other countries like Uganda are proposing death sentence for those engaging in such relations. Certainly, this trend shows that these debates have a long way to go as each side is confident that it has strong reasons to cling to its position. Below is just one of such debates:
I’m joining…the debate.
I’m not saying that I’m right, or that I won’t change my current view, but here goes.
I did a search in the online Bible (Biblegateway.com) for ‘homosexual’ – here’s what I found. 1) Homosexualism (having sex with the same sex) is an abomination or detestable (depending on which translation you find). 2) Homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of GOD…will not go to Heaven. 3) The cause of homosexual behavior is thanklessness to GOD and not wanting to retain the knowledge of GOD.
We, the beloved Christians, have our beliefs — the Bible. But we can’t cram the Bible down people’s throats. We can’t force people to be just like us. Whether people join the Kingdom is largely the work of our LORD, not up to us.
What do you all think?…
source: http://bethehands.net/2009/07/26/free-your-mind-the-same-sex-marriage-debate/#more-592
Same sex marriage have been received with mixed feelings not only in the developing world but also in the countries where this right originates. We have witmessed and read about a number of ongoing debates in churches, schools, forums, etc concerning whether same sex marriage should be legalised or not. In some places--particularly in the developed world the right has been granted or will be granted soon. In Africa, the issue has taken a different direction. While some countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameron etc not only disapprove such marriage but also provide heavy sentence for those found to be in a relation, other countries like Uganda are proposing death sentence for those engaging in such relations. Certainly, this trend shows that these debates have a long way to go as each side is confident that it has strong reasons to cling to its position. Below is just one of such debates:
I’m joining…the debate.
I’m not saying that I’m right, or that I won’t change my current view, but here goes.
I did a search in the online Bible (Biblegateway.com) for ‘homosexual’ – here’s what I found. 1) Homosexualism (having sex with the same sex) is an abomination or detestable (depending on which translation you find). 2) Homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of GOD…will not go to Heaven. 3) The cause of homosexual behavior is thanklessness to GOD and not wanting to retain the knowledge of GOD.
After analyzing and
crunching these Bible passages, this is what I’ve come up with.
Being an American is
sometimes NOT like being a Christian. But they fit together. Our great country
has afforded it’s people certain freedoms and liberties. Civil liberties…life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Our great LORD, Jesus Christ, said that
homosexuals will be hated. And that’s true. Let’s be honest. But they still
choose what they choose. And that’s up to them. If the Bible says practicing
homosexuals will not go to heaven, I believe it. But if a homosexual knowing
that doesn’t care, then it’s all on them. A Christian with homosexual
tendencies but doesn’t not act on them, although it hurts them, because they
want to follow Christ and inherit the Kingdom is admirable. And that’s who we
should focus on; those in the Kingdom that can benefit from our care and
support. But those who do not belong to the LORD, should we be using the power
of the State and laws to prevent them from doing what they think is going to
make them happy?We, the beloved Christians, have our beliefs — the Bible. But we can’t cram the Bible down people’s throats. We can’t force people to be just like us. Whether people join the Kingdom is largely the work of our LORD, not up to us.
Our LORD Jesus said, “Do
to others as you would have done to you.”
It just makes sense to me
to let same-sex “marriages” happen. It is kind. It is unkind to legislate away,
these people’s fundamental civil freedoms or rights. Perhaps they could use
another word besides marriage…unions…
What do you all think?…
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