Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Same sex marriage undoubtedly is a new phenomenon among Africans and the developing world at large. No wonder many Africans condenmed David Cameron's threat to withhold UK aid to anti-gay governments ( Indeed, same sex marriage is associated with individual rights--the right that values rights of an individual first. However, since we do not live in our own islands, it follows that what we do to please ourselves should be in line with the society values--hence the need to value the social rights.

Same sex marriage have been received with mixed feelings not only in the developing world but also in the countries where this right originates. We have witmessed and read about a number of ongoing debates in churches, schools, forums, etc concerning whether same sex marriage should be legalised or not. In some places--particularly in the developed world the right has been granted or  will  be granted soon. In Africa, the issue has taken a different direction. While some countries like Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameron etc not only disapprove such marriage but also provide heavy sentence for those found to be in a relation, other countries like Uganda are proposing death sentence for those engaging in such relations. Certainly, this trend shows that these debates have a long way to go as each side is confident that it has strong reasons to cling to its position. Below is just one of such debates:

I’m joining…the debate.
I’m not saying that I’m right, or that I won’t change my current view, but here goes.
I did a search in the online Bible ( for ‘homosexual’ – here’s what I found. 1) Homosexualism (having sex with the same sex) is an abomination or detestable (depending on which translation you find). 2) Homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of GOD…will not go to Heaven. 3) The cause of homosexual behavior is thanklessness to GOD and not wanting to retain the knowledge of GOD.

After analyzing and crunching these Bible passages, this is what I’ve come up with.
Being an American is sometimes NOT like being a Christian. But they fit together. Our great country has afforded it’s people certain freedoms and liberties. Civil liberties…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Our great LORD, Jesus Christ, said that homosexuals will be hated. And that’s true. Let’s be honest. But they still choose what they choose. And that’s up to them. If the Bible says practicing homosexuals will not go to heaven, I believe it. But if a homosexual knowing that doesn’t care, then it’s all on them. A Christian with homosexual tendencies but doesn’t not act on them, although it hurts them, because they want to follow Christ and inherit the Kingdom is admirable. And that’s who we should focus on; those in the Kingdom that can benefit from our care and support. But those who do not belong to the LORD, should we be using the power of the State and laws to prevent them from doing what they think is going to make them happy?

We, the beloved Christians, have our beliefs — the Bible. But we can’t cram the Bible down people’s throats. We can’t force people to be just like us. Whether people join the Kingdom is largely the work of our LORD, not up to us.

Our LORD Jesus said, “Do to others as you would have done to you.”

It just makes sense to me to let same-sex “marriages” happen. It is kind. It is unkind to legislate away, these people’s fundamental civil freedoms or rights. Perhaps they could use another word besides marriage…unions…
What do you all think?…

by FatherJaimeon July 26, 2009Permalink


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